

Lawsuit risks are on the rise for businesses. These companies are bearing the brunt of the costs.

The Business Journal, December 19, 2023

Lawsuit risks are on the rise for businesses. These companies are bearing the brunt of the costs.

  • Here’s what happened: A study from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce revealed the liability cost of lawsuits against businesses in 2021 reached $347 billion, with small businesses disproportionately bearing nearly half of that cost ($160 billion) despite making up just 20% of total revenue.
  • In their own words: “The U.S. lawsuit system is disproportionately stacked against small businesses that already have enough to worry about. Every dollar that small businesses pay into the tort system is a dollar that doesn’t go to hiring, expanding or making new products.” –Harold Kim, President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for Legal Reform
  • TLR Thoughts: We know the proliferation of unnecessary lawsuits increases expenses for businesses and has a ripple effect on consumers and the economy through the Tort Tax. These escalating costs create a strain on businesses, suppressing job creation and business expansion. 

Read the full article here.