- Here’s what happened: Activists are increasingly attempting to use public nuisance lawsuits to target various products and industries—from plastics to cars to energy producers—at the expense of everyday consumers.
- Behind the curtain: Environmental activist groups have spent years influencing state and federal judges through events and curricula to favor their positions in climate nuisance lawsuits.
- The most troubling example is the recent revelation that Hawaii Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald—who is overseeing Honolulu’s climate nuisance lawsuit, which is likely to be the first decided in the nation—has a long history of collaboration with environmental justice groups, even presenting multiple times at their events.
- Tell me more: The environmental groups behind this litigation have also spent years attempting to influence public perception in their favor ahead of SCOTUS’ decision whether or not to hear the case.
- What’s next: If the Supreme Court steps in, it could undermine years of strategic efforts by environmental activists to prime the pump in both the courts of public opinion and law against American energy producers and the products we all rely on every day.
Read the full article here.