Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Snow Affects Business
This is the ninth day of the 89th regular session of the Texas Legislature.
Because the recent winter storm affected the ability of some members to attend, neither body transacted any real business today.
The Senate was called to order at 1p and met briefly. The chair referred two matters to committees, including the General Appropriations Act. It will meet again Friday, January 24 at 10a.
The Lt. Governor handed down Senate committee assignment last Friday, January 17. Members were named to 16 standing committees. The committee assignments are available here:
The House was called to order at 2p. It was in session for about five minutes, conducting no business; but Representative Bonnen (R—Friendswood) did file the General Appropriations Bill (HB 1) in the House.
The House will meet again tomorrow at 2p, and may take up consideration of its procedural rules at that time.
So far, House members have filed 1976 bills and 115 resolutions to amend the Texas Constitution. Senators have filed 839 bills and 36 resolutions to amend the Constitution.