(Houston, TX) Texans for Lawsuit Reform President Richard J. Trabulsi, Jr., issued the following statement today following the passage of HB 1492 in the Texas House:
“We congratulate Chairman Doug Miller, R-New Braunfels, on the passage of HB 1492. Texas has been a leader in fighting asbestos lawsuit abuse since 2005 when the Legislature reined in outrageous asbestos lawsuit scams that were ravaging the state. Chairman Miller’s bill will eliminate the latest asbestos lawsuit abuse while assuring that people suffering from asbestos diseases have speedy access to Texas’ courts. HB 1492 encourages honesty, transparency and fairness in asbestos litigation.
“Eighty members of the Texas House co-sponsored this bill – a clear demonstration that Texans continue to support fair and common-sense reform measures.”
Texans for Lawsuit Reform, the state’s largest civil justice reform organization, is a bipartisan, volunteer-led coalition with more than 18,000 supporters residing in more than 869 Texas communities and representing 1,253 different businesses, professions and trades. For more information, visit www.tortreform.com. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @lawsuitreform.